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Kotel Mosaic Panorama.jpg

Judaica & Spirituality Gallery

Kriat Yam Suf (Light Through the Dark)

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)


Kotel of Return (with Doves)

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)

Kotel of Return.jpg

The Light Is in the Shadow (Ohr HaGanuz)

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)

The Light Is in the Shadow (Ohr HaGanuz).jpg

In The Midbar

Oil on canvas, 24" x 30" (sold)

in the midbar.jpg

Before the Sea Split

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)

Before the Sea Split.jpg

Aliyah L'Regel

Oil on canvas, 40" x 60" (sold)

aliya lregel.jpg

The Sound of Geula

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)


The Glowing Garden (A Vision for Tu B'Shvat)

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)


Kotel in Vibrant Color Palette

Oil on canvas, 24" x 30" (sold)

colorful Kotel.jpg

Har Sinai Illuminated

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (original available)

Har Sinai Illuminated.jpg

The Garden of Emuna

oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)

In the Garden of Emuna.jpg

Kriat Yam Suf (12 Shvatim)

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)


Har Sinai (The Midbar in Green)

Oil on canvas, 36": x 48" (sold)

Har Sinai in green.jpg

Jerusalem Hills (in pinks)

Acrylic on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)

Jerusalem HIlls Pinks.jpg

Kever Rachel (in blues and golds)

Oil on canvas, 24" x 36" (sold)


Jerusalem Hills (in elegant neutrals)

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)

Jerusalem hill tops.png

Jerusalem Hills (in violets and gold)

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)

Jerusalem Hills Violet and Gold.jpg

Kever Rachel (in pale blues and gold)

Oil on canvas, 24" x 36" (original available)

Kever Rachel.jpg

Ma'arat HaMacpela

Oil on canvas, 24" x 48" (sold)

Chevron final.jpg

Beit HaMikdash in Teals and Golds

Oil on canvas, 24" x 48" (sold)


Kotel in Blues and Yellows

Oil on canvas, 30": x 48" (sold)


Beit HaMikdash (abstract in violets)

Oil on canvas, 30" x 48" (sold)


A Conversation by the Kinneret (Kever Rebbe Meir)

Oil on canvas, 30" x 40" (sold)


Back to the Garden (The Soul Breathed Into Me)

Oil on Canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)

Light and Love.jpg

B'tzelem Elokim -- The Heart of Life 

Oil on canvas, 48" x 60" (original available)

heart of life.JPG

Har Sinai (Making Space for the Infinite Light)

Oil on canvas, 30" x 40" (sold)

Making Space in the Heart for the Infinite Light.jpg

Ma'alin BaKodesh

Oil on canvas, 22" x 28" (sold)

maalin bakodesh (use).jpg

The Moment (version #1)

Acrylic on canvas, 24" x 30" (original available)

Kiddush Levana by the Sea.jpg

The Moment (version # 2)

Oil on canvas, 36" x 60" (sold)

the Moment.png

A Gateway to Source and Self

Oil on canvas, 30" x 48" (original available)

A Gateway to Source and Self.jpg

Kotel Mosaic Panorama

Acrylic on canvas, 32" x 60" (sold)

Kotel Mosaic Panorama.jpg

A Soft Vision of Geula

Acrylic on Canvas, 36" x 60" (sold)

A Soft Vision of Geula.jpg

The Release

Oil on canvas, 30" x 40" (original available)

The Release (for post).jpg

Sha'arei Tefila

oil on canvas, 30" x 40" (original available)

Shaarei Tefila.jpg

Kotel in Purples

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)


Chupah shel Ma'alah (Under the Keruvim)

Oil on canvas, 36" x 42"

chupah shel maalah.jpg

Moonlight Redemption (Circle Dance with Tambourines)

Oil on canvas, 40" x 40" (sold)

Moonlight Redemption.jpg

Abstract Beit Hamikdash
(in Lavender and Gold)

Acrylic on canvas, 24" x 30"

Lavender Abstract Bait Hamikdash_edited.jpg

Abstract Kotel with Neon Accents

Acrylic on canvas, 30" x 40" (original available)

Abstract Kotel with Neon Accents.jpg

Simchat Torah

Oil on canvas, 30" x 40" (sold)

Simchas Torah.jpg

Waiting for Geula

Oil on canvas, 36" x 48" (sold)

Waiting for Geula (custom).jpg


Oil on canvas, 30" x 40" (original available)



Acrylic on canvas, 24" x 30" (sold)



Acrylic on canvas, 8" x 10" (unavailable)

being held.jpg
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